We’re proud to host Update Your Will Week 

Update your Will Week 2023 will run from 23rd – 29th January to encourage more people to update their will and ensure their wishes are carried out when they die.


Why is having an up to date will important?

Having an up to date, well-drafted will is crucial in ensuring your wishes are carried out in the way you’d like when you die. This can also help ease distress for loved ones and minimise disputes.

It’s especially important if you have children, to make sure your children are looked after in the way you would want after your death.  


How often should I update my will?

Our lawyers recommend that wills are reviewed and updated every five years, or when a major change occurs that impacts you or your loved ones. For example, a marriage, divorce, a new birth, or a death in your family.


What should I do if I want to make changes to an existing will or create a new will?

It’s important to speak with an experienced legal professional, such as an SFE lawyer, as they’ll be able to advise on your unique situation and wishes. They can also help with reducing your inheritance tax bill.

Our lawyers are experts in this area of law and follow a strict code of conduct which has respect and dignity at its heart. Communicating in a clear, straightforward language they will make sure you understand the important decisions you are making.

With over 1,700 specialist lawyers across the UK, don’t leave the conversation until it’s too late and make sure your wishes are laid out for the future. Find a local SFE lawyer near you: https://sfe.legal/